Chitose City Hospital w Chitose

JaponiaChitose City Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-1-1 Hokkō, Chitose, Hokkaido 066-0033, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 123-24-3000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.84388, Longitude: 141.639853

komentarze 5

  • O K

    O K


    I am always indebted. They will work with you when you are unsure whether to visit a pediatrician or otorhinolaryngologist, or when you would like to see both. The waiting time is really long compared to other clinics. However, I am grateful for your careful examination.

  • 吉成杏里



    Respiratory medicine is the worst. I couldn't stop coughing and sputum, so I went to the doctor, but without a thorough examination, I ended up inhaling cough suppressants and light. Even when I ask for an explanation as to why, they refuse. I really don't want to give even one star.

  • おこめ



    Even though I made a reservation, I had to wait for hours. He was subjected to many unnecessary tests, and the schedule for the most important surgery was always evaded. Are you desperate to make money? This is the worst hospital in the world, where I take time off from work to see a doctor despite my busy schedule, but they never perform surgery and keep paying high prices.

  • A (Hirora)

    A (Hirora)


    A very dangerous hospital. Even though the obstetrician and gynecologist had told me that the weight was over 2000g and there was no infection, I couldn't handle it because my water broke early and it wasn't over 2000g. He was rushed to Sapporo City Hospital, but an unnecessary urinary catheter was put in and the injection needle was bent against a bone, so there was a possibility of infection. I don't think Chitose would have been able to be buried safely. My friend also had a medical examination and was told that she could not see the heart and that it was an ectopic pregnancy, so she went to another hospital and was told that she was growing well. I really do not recommend this hospital. If you are thinking about your baby, definitely go to another hospital! !

  • nullhage nullhage

    nullhage nullhage


    I went at the scheduled time and had to wait for 3 hours. It's a general hospital so I can understand waiting. I was completely taken aback. I have no idea when my appointment will be, and I think they should improve the notifications for reservations and waiting times.

najbliższy Szpital

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