Chinese Restaurant KARIN en 名古屋市中区

JapónChinese Restaurant KARIN



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1-chōme-1-1 Kanayamachō, Naka Ward, 名古屋市中区 Aichi 460-0023, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-683-4638
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.142724, Longitude: 136.899854

comentarios 5

  • 山口朋子



    ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Grand Court Go to [Chinese restaurant Karin] on the 29th floor I went. ( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )੭⁾⁾ ・ What I received this time was [Special sheet music] ・ ◉Assorted appetizers with grilled pork ◉Special spring rolls & abalone pie ◉Assortment of 3 types of dim sum ◉Spicy fried shrimp with garlic ◉Shark fin steak with butter ◉Super spicy mapo tofu that breathes Godzilla fire ◉Stir-fried wagyu beef with black pepper ◉Ending sweets ・ Super Spicy Mapo is currently being held Collaboration menu with "Hideaki Anno Exhibition". (until 6/23) ・ With a spicy taste of Japanese pepper A red and black image reminiscent of Godzilla. ・ Shin Godzilla's sense of sight, taste, and smell I experienced the world view. ・ In a luxurious space on a high floor Creative Chinese food to enjoy. ・ Each item is carefully crafted. It was very delicious. ・ Thank you for the meal☺︎꒡̈⃝⌄̈⃝¨̮ ・ □1-1-1 Kanayama-cho, Naka-ku, Nagoya ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel 29th floor Chinese food Karin Station] 1 minute walk from Kanayama Station ・

  • ミニナリー



    We had lunch in a private room while looking at the view from the 29th floor. The course lunch is 12,000 yen and the soft drink is 1,000 yen, which is rather expensive, but I guess it's because of the location fee... The shrimp in the shrimp chili sauce is plump. The soup contains a large shark's fin, and the fried rice contains eel, which is rare, and is made with high-quality ingredients carefully prepared. The parboiled Wagyu beef loin was tender and the sesame sauce was rich and delicious.

  • すばるうまうま



    This is a Chinese restaurant located on the Grand Court at the south exit of Kanayama Station. For drinks, we had a bottle of Shaoxing wine. There's a lot of grain. The course is modern Chinese with a bit of a twist. The Chinese-style yellowtail radish was quite interesting, and the stewed beef tongue was also definitely good. On this day, I was able to drink a lot of Shaoxing wine and it was very enjoyable. "Modern Chinese" 8,000 yen ■Jellyfish and seafood with sansho sauce ■Shark fin soup with seafood and turnips ■ Yellowtail radish and garlic leaves, Chinese soy sauce and wild rose aroma ■Stewed beef tongue with sate flavor ■Singapore style curry fried rice with crab meat ■Today's dessert

  • アヴィルナ



    I use it with Stargate about once a month. All the dishes are delicious and seasoned with seasonal ingredients, and I always look forward to them. However, this time, even though it was a weekday, it was quite busy, and the food was served rather slowly.It took 2 and a half hours for the same course and number of items as usual, which was a bit disappointing😮‍💨. I have been using Grand Court for many years, but this was the first time I had to pay for parking after eating. 💦 Thank you for the meal.

  • bacardi comeon

    bacardi comeon


    Buffett dinner, around 5000¥ per person. friendly staff

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