Chinese Cuisine SHISEN w Yokkaichi

JaponiaChinese Cuisine SHISEN



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-3-38 Yasujima, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0075, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 59-355-2815
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.967848, Longitude: 136.616769

komentarze 5

  • on mini

    on mini


    I came here based on a recommendation that I should visit this place when I go to Yokkaichi. Since it was a weekday lunch, I was able to have a very relaxing lunch in a comfortable seat. Everything was delicious, but the mapo tofu was especially delicious and I want to go back to eat it again. There are also decent items on the children's menu. The customer service was also great.

  • コチュタロ



    This is a Chinese restaurant inside Miyako Hotel. I went there for lunch. As expected, I felt that the customer service was polite as it was a shop inside the Miyako Hotel. I think mapo tofu is highly recommended! The dessert, almond tofu, was also delicious!

  • 一紀伴



    Lunch with my son The main dish is of course delicious, but the side dish, the green zha cai, and the dessert, almond tofu, were also very delicious and I was impressed!

  • かじひろ



    It's been a while since I last visited, and it had been beautifully renovated. The soup made with Kuwana clams and fava beans was praised by the neighbors, but it has a flavor that I wish would be included in the grand menu. Even the content that would appeal to women, such as mapo tofu made with soybean meat mixed with multigrain rice, was delicious. Personally, I like something a little more spicy, so it's nice to have a choice.

  • てつです。(てつです。)



    Sichuan cuisine Miyako Hotel. It was my first time using it. delicious. Authentic Sichuan cuisine. I ordered a course meal and was satisfied with the quantity and quality. The shrimp rich sauce is exquisite. I had it with Shaoxing wine and wine. The atmosphere of the store was normal. There are no rotating tables for Chinese food, It doesn't seem to be the type that can be separated individually. The shark fin soup that came out towards the end of the course, It was delicious. The price is not that high considering the content and quality. I'm so satisfied with the food that I can't finish it all. I would definitely like to use it again.

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