鷹鮨 w Yokkaichi




🕗 godziny otwarcia

17-10 Suwasakaemachi, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0086, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 50-5304-5455
strona internetowej: retty.me
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.967387, Longitude: 136.622207

komentarze 5

  • ウミガメマンタ



    Please contact me in advance Multiple people come to the store for about 20,000 yen per person. (I've been to the store several times) The atmosphere is nice and the food is delicious. This is my favorite store. Just like other people's reviews say I feel like there are a lot of shellfish. There were some people who didn't like shellfish. It was a little disappointing. At the counter on the first floor Asking for something you like I think this is the best way to enjoy this store.

  • Aina (vivi子)

    Aina (vivi子)


    I received a recommended course. I'm very satisfied with the variety and quantity. The sushi at the end was colorful and beautiful. Cold sake and shochu are sold by weight. I don't go there often because it's quite expensive, but I would like to go again to treat myself to celebrations.

  • taichi takada

    taichi takada


    4.5 stars A famous sushi restaurant in Yokkaichi. This time, since it was our wedding anniversary, we had a budget of 10,000 yen per person. The appearance of the store and the atmosphere inside are unique, and I think your evaluation will depend on whether you like it or not. Personally, I don't dislike it, but I think it could be a little more calm. The first and second photos are on the first floor. It's probably like picking up various things while talking with the general. On the other hand, on the second floor, the drinks are ordered from the beginning and sold by weight, so you can drink whatever you like, without much interference. The fish for the course is arranged just before the meal, and the freshness and taste are perfect. After some additional salmon roe and boiled fish came out, the sushi appeared, which was quite filling. I think it would have been better if it was a little smaller since I can't eat much. It was a style that left me alone, so it was great to be able to eat at this pace.

  • 智美



    This is my third time going to this store, but it's my first time. I was able to sit at the counter seat♪ I had a really wonderful time listening to the chef explain the dishes. It's fun to see, delicious to eat, and I'd like to go again ✨

  • Michael Drenski

    Michael Drenski


    Wow! Had Omakase. Wonderful experience and chef was very helpful in describing each unique dish.

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