Chikaranokura Omiya Nishiguchiekimaeten w Saitama

JaponiaChikaranokura Omiya Nishiguchiekimaeten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒330-0854 Saitama, Omiya Ward, Sakuragichō, 1-chōme−3−1
kontakt telefon: +81 48-650-8485
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.9048301, Longitude: 139.6233307

komentarze 5

  • TO -CO

    TO -CO


    【3.5】 3.3 Specially selected charcoal grilled beef tongue 1180 yen 3.6 meatballs 3.0 Gizzard (sauce) 3.8 Bonjiri (sauce/salt) 3.1 Chicken thighs (sauce) 3.3 Between green onions (sauce) 3.5 Ham cutlet 3.6 Grilled beef skirt steak

  • ももいろりゅうちゃん乙



    Before I knew it, it was the first time in several years that I could easily enter a shop by myself. P.S. I can hear the clerk's voice. Apparently there are a lot of customers only on days like this (when there are few clerks).

  • sabu



    There is a long counter, so it is easy for single customers to use it. The giblet stew was delicious. The liver inside the meat sashimi was what I expected, but it was cooked and was completely different from the so-called liver sashimi.

  • 日野原誠



    It's delicious, affordable, and extremely easy to use. Thank you for your continued support (*^_^*)✨

  • ryope



    Personally, I like the fact that the store is spacious and the seats are spaced out, which makes me feel relaxed, so I keep coming back. The staff members are cheerful and provide stress-free customer service. In addition to the grand menu, there is a wide variety of dishes, including special menus and items written on the blackboard on the wall, so I always get confused. Personally, I order senmai sashimi every time, and I recommend it because it doesn't have any smell or taste, and the vinegared miso gives it a nice flavor. Also, the grilled pork feet, which you don't see anywhere else, is a favorite dish because it's filling and cost-effective. I feel that the price of alcohol is a little high, but I think it's just right for a place where you can have a quick drink or two!

najbliższy Restauracja

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