čµ¤ć„é³„ ć‚¢ć‚¹ćƒ†ć‚£å²é˜œåŗ— w Gifu

Japoniačµ¤ć„é³„ ć‚¢ć‚¹ćƒ†ć‚£å²é˜œåŗ—



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 怒500-8856 Gifu, Hashimotochō, 1-chōmeāˆ’10āˆ’ļ¼‘ ć‚¢ć‚¹ćƒ†ć‚£å²é˜œ 2階
kontakt telefon: +81 58-269-4030
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 35.4094012, Longitude: 136.7577552

komentarze 5

  • T Kassy

    T Kassy


    I used it at night. The food tastes delicious, especially the chicken dishes! However, it takes a while for the ordered item to arrive. I don't recommend it for people who are in a hurry to drink... If you have time, try some chicken dishes! The menu, which used to be difficult to understand, has been updated and improved. The ā€œChoitsuma Setā€ has finally arrived! The attached photos are two items from one day. The meatball cream cheese was delicious. After this, I ordered more yakitori. *Please note: Oyakodon is served with Japanese pepper, so please bring your own. It's Shichimi.

  • ć‚¢ć‚±ćƒ”ćƒć‚¹ęœ



    I used it before traveling from Tokyo to Nagoya for a day trip. The chewy chicken oyakodon was impressive, and the Hida beef croquette was also a great memory of the trip.

  • Yoshihiro MIKI

    Yoshihiro MIKI


    The inside of the store is bright and clean. There are counter seats, so you can feel free to come in alone. I had a fried chicken set meal. It was delicious.

  • Darren S

    Darren S


    This restaurant has a great location for catering to travellers in the JR station. Had no problem with seating, and service was not bad and timely. The menu was all in Japanese and was clear and precise. The food was not bad, but have had better, especially at the price which was on the higher side for what you get. The worse being the beer price, 700Ā„ for my small glass, (see my photos), yet the picture on the menu shows a pint glass (568ml), for the same price. The drink price seemed very steep. Don't think I will be going back there in a hurry, and I would not recommend others to either.

  • Koji Wakanabe

    Koji Wakanabe


    Located on the 2nd floor of the Asty station building, it has excellent access. It's right after you enter, so you don't have to worry about getting lost. There are no fixed seats, so even wheelchair users can easily enter the store. Oyakodon is my favorite, but today I decided on Yakitoridon. Oh my, it might be a long time since I had a skewer. Torimi, Negima, and Torimotsu. If you don't like chicken offal (liver), please be careful! It was nice and well cooked.

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