Montagne w Gifu




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-8-1 Nishiuzura, Gifu, 500-8286, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 58-274-3331
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.385661, Longitude: 136.7286817

komentarze 5

  • Riko



    Apparently there is a sponge underneath the retro pudding. I bought some chocolate and cream puffs.

  • あいみ



    It was completely different from before, so I guess it feels like it was inherited? That's the impression. There were about 5 staff members inside. When I went there a while ago, it said it was open from 2pm due to a staff shortage, and it wasn't open on Saturdays and Sundays other than regular holidays, but it was open on this day. I think it's a good idea to check if it's open before you go, just to be sure. The variety of fresh cakes was small. Pudding, cream puff, strawberry/shine muscat cake, Mont Blanc, and two types of chocolate cakes....The bottom two tiers of the showcase were puddings called Nameraku Gifu Mont Blanc. It was a somewhat strange sight. After reading the reviews, I thought it was a challenge and decided to visit. I wonder if they don't open cafes anymore? It had been cleaned up. I bought shortcake and cream puffs. There were some shorts with 🌱 on the top and some without, but I wonder if the ones without 🌱 are less fresh? The 🍓 on top was bent and tilted. I don't think it's a cake I'd want to eat again, but it's a little different.

  • 岐阜CIPPO



    Cake shop breakfast at Gifu City [Western Confectionery Montagne] ☀ This cake shop has been loved by locals for over 50 years and is said to be the ``first western confectionery shop in Gifu.'' Illustration cakes are very popular! In addition to decorated cakes, there are also many sweets that would make great souvenirs, so this shop can be used not only for celebrations but also for everyday use. Mr. Montagne's morning service is limited to 2 hours from 9:00 to 11:00, which is the opening time. You can enjoy your meal slowly at a table inside the store. The toast that comes with the drink price is butter, jam, and Ogura. You can choose from ◎ You can also eat your favorite cake from the showcase for an additional 200 yen! Please be sure to visit [Western Confectionery Montagne] at least once ♩ If you live far away, we also recommend online shopping ☆

  • CFギブソン



    I've always been curious about it every time I pass by, but I couldn't find the right time to go in, so I went in for the first time this time. There is a road in front of the store, but there is a large parking lot across the street, so it's easy to get in by car. When you enter the store, there is a large showcase in front of you, and there are many beautiful and delicious-looking cakes lined up. There are many types of cakes, so it's fun to choose. There are many types of cakes using fruit, but I think the prices are a little lower than other stores. They also have a wide variety of baked goods, so it's a great place to buy gifts. The staff at the store are also courteous and pleasant.

  • Sathi 0220

    Sathi 0220


    Testy cake 🎂

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