Centurion Hotel Residential Akasaka en Minato-ku

JapónCenturion Hotel Residential Akasaka


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3 Chome-12-3 Akasaka, 港区 Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 107-0052, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6229-6336
sitio web: www.centurion-hotel.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6738463, Longitude: 139.7376971

comentarios 5

  • Donald Hoo

    Donald Hoo


    Room is small but comfortable. The only one thing i would like to complaint which is my room cannot be lock properly. The room is locked by room key but have a electronic lock system to open it by pin (i think is for housekeeper), but even i lock my door with room key, just press a button (doesn't need pin) it can be opened. I had complaint to front desk but a receptionist told me please use key to open, i explain to him that this is not the point i complaint to, my meaning is whoever just press a button who can enter my room without pin, i asked him to check on tmr (due to i am checking in around 7p.m, the maintenance already left) but he do nothing in the next day. Until today they still ignoring me.

  • en

    Markos Tando


    One of the cheapest capsule style hotel/hostel when on sale. Location is great at 60m after exit 1 Akasaka Station. Can eat self-purchased food from outside at the lounge besides the check in lobby, equipped with a microwave only. There's no sento bath like in the sister property in Kyoto. Laundry facilities available, with detergent at ¥50 if you need. Two toilets and two bathrooms for the whole floor could be a problem if you're using them in the morning. Otherwise nothing much to get excited or critical about.

  • Andrew Song

    Andrew Song


    Friendly staff (they speak a bit of english), clean interiors, free towels and a keycard system. Beds are more spacey compared to other hotels, would recommend a stay here. Women's only floor is also avaliable here.

  • Christopher Lawson

    Christopher Lawson


    Very nice hotel with plenty of amenities. Stayed in a family room with 4 beds. Enough room for the entire family. Breakfast plan had a good selection to start off the day. I would stay in this hotel again

  • Hiro Hoshi

    Hiro Hoshi


    Hotel is conveniently located in an area concentrated with izakaya for late night eating and drinking. Because of that, if your room faces that side, it ends up being pretty loud at night. The room itself was nice and compact with all the essentials. Quick walk to the nearest station is around three minutes and convenience stores are dotted around the location. The cost per night was reasonable and staff were extremely courteous. I wouldn't mind staying here again.

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