TOYOKO INN Tameike Sannoeki Kantei Minami en Chiyoda City

JapónTOYOKO INN Tameike Sannoeki Kantei Minami


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2-chōme-4-14 Nagatachō, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0014, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5510-1045
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Latitude: 35.6722069, Longitude: 139.7423875

comentarios 5

  • 福島ケン



    This Toyoko Inn is, literally, just across a narrow, short street adjoining the Prime Minister's residence. So, you will walk past security guards entering the street from either end. The location is convenient to government offices in Nagatacho and embassies in Roppongi. Dining space for the modest but complimentary breakfast is limited to a couple of counters, one of which provides a window view to the outside, and the other of which faces a wall from which a television is suspended. There are also a few round tables good for ~4 people each in the covered space just outside the entrance. I've stayed here twice. Most recently, the room air conditioner emitted a low 5-seconds-on, 1-second-off rumble, but in every other respect the room was clean and pleasant. Typical of my experience with many Toyoko Inns around Japan, the staff here were friendly and helpful.

  • Susan Parsons

    Susan Parsons


    Clean good healthy food with a traditional Japanese breakfast l enjoyed the hot tubs too.

  • Susan Jones

    Susan Jones


    Very clean and comfortable. The bed is very firm but still good.The breakfast is a nice touch healthy meal that is Japanese style food.

  • karl kath

    karl kath


    helpful staff, comfortable room, all lights amd appliances worked, close to a train station.

  • Emanuel Berglund

    Emanuel Berglund


    This is a cheap hotel that offers superb value given the low price, each room is equipped with its own toilet (washlet), shower/bath and fridge for beverages you might buy. They also offer you to borrow a free pyjamas, there is free breakfast downstairs every morning. A funny thing about this Toyoko Inn is that it's located in the same street as the Prime ministers residence which means it has at least three policemen guarding it 24 hours a day.

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