nine hours Akasaka en Minato

Japónnine hours Akasaka


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Japón, 〒107-0052 Tokyo, Minato, 赤坂4丁目3 4-3-14 Akasaka
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5545-1565
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Latitude: 35.673917, Longitude: 139.7351193

comentarios 2

  • D V

    D V


    Had a really good experience at 9hours. They were fairly new when I stayed here (May 2018) and you can tell everything was still nice and clean. Clean sheets, towels, shower, sleeping pods, everything was perfect. They even provided loungewear so you don't need to use the PJs you packed. Friendly staff, cool coffee place at the ground level, super cool toiletries and amenities is how all capsule hotels should be. I would definitely stay here again 😁

  • Sarah



    The staff here were so helpful! They helped us book an appointment at an onsen and took their time calling back to rearrange it for us. The location is perfect right by the metro and plenty of restaurants. Very clean! The capsules are really comfortable! The only inconvenience was that the lockers were too close together which made it difficult to get at and use when busy.

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