cafe SLOW i Kure

Japancafe SLOW



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒737-1377 Hiroshima, Kure, Kurahashichō, 551
kontakter telefon: +81 823-53-1141
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.1022297, Longitude: 132.5111283

kommentar 5

  • Isabella Kerr

    Isabella Kerr


    Delicious food in an adorable cafe that's right across from a lovely park and beach 🙏🏻

  • Melek SOURKOVA

    Melek SOURKOVA


    Very good cafe they have delicious squid sandwich!

  • F.Christopher



    Awesome place, 2 minutes from the beach, the food is tasty and the people on this island are very friendly. We strongly recommend you to comes arround! Thanks for everything CAFE SLOW, we really had great time here!! Florent & Alice.

  • Alice



    We spend 1 week around this place and visited the slow café multiple times. Everything us perfect there! The staff is really nice and welcoming and the food is just too good. They have such a big menu! The drinking menu is as well really big and we totally fall in love with their smoothies, mhhhh so tasty. Don't hesitate and come here, you won't be disappointed! It's the best café we visited so far in whole Japan. ❤️

  • Vivian Lee

    Vivian Lee


    Located just across the road to the beach. We were there on a public holiday afternoon, need to wait around 20 mins for a seat. My Fish & Chip is delicious & love the fries. Definitely a good place to refresh after sometime under the sun.

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