Hoshino Coffee Aeon Mall Hiroshima Fuchu Shop i Fuchu

JapanHoshino Coffee Aeon Mall Hiroshima Fuchu Shop



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Japan, 〒735-0021 Hiroshima, Aki District, Fuchu, Ōsu, 2-chōme−1−1 イオンモール広島府中 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 82-207-1808
internet side: www.hoshinocoffee.com
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Latitude: 34.3941599, Longitude: 132.4989709

kommentar 5

  • miya 1103e

    miya 1103e


    hikoboshi coffee Pot-baked vanilla soufflé anglaise sauce The coffee had a bitter taste and went well with the soufflé. The soufflé was sweet and delicious. I was surprised that it was located near Starbucks.

  • TKM



    I had a great time in the calm atmosphere. The pancakes I got at the fair for the first time were also delicious. It was very voluminous.

  • 黒部先生



    not bad!

  • おのぴーママ



    I sometimes use Hoshino Coffee at Hiroshima Station, but this was my first time. Even though it was a weekday, there were quite a few customers, which surprised me a bit. My daughter had the hamburger plate, and I was curious so I had the souffledria. The drinks in the set are hot coffee Hikoboshi Blend and Orihime Blend. The name suggests it's fashionable ✨ Souffledria looks fluffy, but when you pierce it with a spoon, you might think it'll be crunchy, but even when you pierce it, it's still fluffy. I wonder if it was meringue, but it had a really fluffy texture, was very light, and was delicious 😋 While we were chatting, we tried one more dish (lol): a single pancake and French toast. I ended up walking 11,000 steps that day, but I'm already way over my calorie count 🙅‍♀️ It's scary 💧 But both were very delicious, and the Hikoboshi & Orihime blend was also very good 💕 It's inside a shopping mall, but it's calm. The atmosphere was soft and the sofas were so comfortable that I almost ended up staying there for a long time.

  • one any

    one any


    I've always wanted to go, but every time I look there's always a line, so I often give up... I was finally able to go. I was guided to a semi-private room with two seats, and it was very comfortable. I couldn't take a photo of the lasagna because I had eaten a little more. The coffee and food were both very delicious. different day I shared the lasagna and souffledria with a friend. The taste of lasagna is strong ← Delicious The ketchup rice under the souffledria felt bland. But anyway, I don't think I'll order souffledria again... I think it depends on your taste, but I personally prefer lasagna.

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