Sarasvati i Hatsukaichi




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407 Miyajimachō, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0588, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 829-44-0611
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Latitude: 34.2968835, Longitude: 132.3211087

kommentar 5

  • Andrea Ang

    Andrea Ang


    Nondescript Cafe with great coffee and lemon cake. Quiet place but quality drinks and coffee. I must say the coffee scene in Japan is great. Not sure why Starbucks is so popular with locals when they have, in my humble opinion, such great coffee.

  • Teck Boon

    Teck Boon


    Small cafe that serves really good coffee hidden away from the main walking street. They have a really good lemon cake and the cream puff is good too. One drink order is required for everyone if you choose to sit in the cafe. Nice little place for a quick stop if you’re passing by.

  • Sitthichai K

    Sitthichai K


    Just for a quick bite on Softserve. Very smooth, milky, and not too sweet. Worthwhile and have good seating to rest your tired legs.

  • Paul Walsh

    Paul Walsh


    Lovingly restored building with very nice staff serving some very good coffee. Latte is a little on the small side but is well-poured and does not disappoint. The cheesecake portion was also quite generous by Japanese standards. Sit downstairs at tables near the counter, or in the shabby chic upstairs room. The mix and match chair selection may bring back memories of school days. Light meals also available.

  • Rookie Soulnet

    Rookie Soulnet


    Excellent small coffee shop with small menu. Coffee is well made and you can see the care taken when making the coffee. Also available are three unique blends. Had the lunch set B which was the speghetti with oysters and tomato sauce. If you are a little weary of oysters this option was excellent. Wasn't overpowering or squishy. Almost melts in your mouth with a pleasing flavour. Went the iced cappuccino which was also excellently done. Partner had same drink with the chocolate cake instead. Looked good too!

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