Cafe E.den 円山åŗ— w Sapporo

JaponiaCafe E.den 円山åŗ—


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

7-chōme-2-37 Maruyama Nishimachi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0944, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-590-1860
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 43.0430126, Longitude: 141.3105131

komentarze 5

  • ē”³čØ³č©«ä¹ƒåŠ©



    I am going to renovate an old private house. I guess the storage space under the stairs on the second floor can't be helped, but we didn't feel very good when we were directed to the side of the stairs on the first floor. Since I was using a cane due to an incurable disease, I was shown to a seat on the first floor. Other people will be guided to the second floor seats unless the second floor is full. This is an old house renovation cafe where bossa nova is played.I would like to come alone next time. The parking lot has changed from Family Mart to Secoma, and the store is set back. Please park in a designated parking lot to avoid inconveniencing customers at the convenience store. If you don't know, it's best to ask the store clerk. It was delicious. I'll be repeating it again.

  • Jiuyang Zhou

    Jiuyang Zhou


    I love the design and ambiance of this coffee shop. Skillet cheese curry is a must try

  • Tom Millington

    Tom Millington


    I stopped here after visiting the memorial park for a much needed pick me up. I was greeted by a friendly server, the cafe is nicely decorated and comfortable. I ordered a piece of cake and a coffee and both were very tasty.

  • 惟惋ęؽ



    Grilled curry was very delicious The atmosphere was also very nice. Visited the store for the first time in 4 years. This time I went to the second floor. There was no grilled curry I had gapao rice (my partner) and stone grilled Neapolitan (me). It was delicious. It was a little before noon, but it wasn't that crowded, and by the time I left, there were about two groups. I'm glad I got in without having to wait.

  • J T

    J T


    I visited in the evening the other day, and the menu was small and delicious! It wasn't like that. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, there were no people and the number of people was limited, but it was nice that it had a friendly atmosphere that felt like being in a cafe. Personally, I have no repeats. Also, the entrance was difficult to enter.

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