wake cafe w Sapporo

Japoniawake cafe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10-chōme-4-33 Miyanomori 1 Jō, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0951, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-213-8819
strona internetowej: www.wakecafe.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 43.0578294, Longitude: 141.3069421

komentarze 5

  • Franklin Benjamin

    Franklin Benjamin


    2024.5.11 This is a cafe located in the residential area of ā€‹ā€‹Miyanomori. The restaurant is open from 6 a.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from late April to mid-September. We arrived at 5:55. Customers started arriving one after another after 6 o'clock. I heard that they serve an English breakfast plate, which is rare in Sapporo, so I was looking for an opportunity to come here during the winter. Of course, I ordered the English breakfast for Ā„950. The set drink is of course tea. The plate includes bread, sausages, fried eggs, bacon, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, and baked beans. No matter what you say about British food, I think it's quite delicious. It's a set that will satisfy your appetite in the morning with this and that included. If you like Western breakfast, please try it at least once. After all, eating breakfast at a restaurant is exceptional.

  • Fion Lee

    Fion Lee


    The atmosphere is very comfortable, great Japanese and Western food, and the hamburger steak is great! You must come and taste it, thank you boss.

  • siraga oyaji

    siraga oyaji


    I came here looking for Western food. It's quite hard to find as it's in a residential area, but it was packed even before noon. I had grilled cheese hayashi rice and Neapolitan. Both were delicious, but I felt the flavor was a little strong and salty. Next time I'll try curry.

  • M K

    M K


    Top! I wonder if the owner is a former chef at some notable restaurants. Everything is prepared and cooked with almost care and attention and vegetable bowl was divine. Even a small salad next it was excellent. It's run by one man so go when you have a relaxed moment. Will definitely go back.

  • Thomas Saar

    Thomas Saar


    ā­ā­GREAT FOR TOURISTS AND FOREIGNERSā­ā­ This cute cafe is tucked away just off the main road, close to Hokkaido Shrine. If you are looking for a great meal that fuses more traditional Japanese food with western food styles this is the place. I had a steak bowl with rice, the steak cooked beautifully in butter that was just the right amount of "rich". My girlfriend tucked into a chicken curry and the cook/waiter understood and took note of any specific allergies (egg in this case). For drinks, I enjoyed a great drip coffee and my girlfriend an iced coffee (more an iced latte). The atmosphere this cafe creates is very calm and relaxing with light music playing in the background, coupled with the sound of the kitchen and light chatter. Highly recommend!

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