Bulgogi w Kochi




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒780-8052 Kochi, Kamobe, 2-chōme−52−6−1
kontakt telefon: +81 88-855-8529
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5511684, Longitude: 133.5004339

komentarze 5

  • 09 MT

    09 MT


    I went there at night as usual, but something was different than before. The menu was hard to read and the staff had a different atmosphere. Are we the only ones in our family who have stopped eating meat? I've been using it for many years, so I hope it's just my imagination. I will change my review if I have a chance to try it again.

  • F1



    I made a reservation and came to the store just after 11:30 noon on Sunday. I chose the Purigoki set meal recommended by my companion. I had a large serving of rice. It's not cheap at 1,980 yen, but it was delicious ^_^

  • 2480さん



    Reservations are required. Even if you go straight, you will have to wait for 30 minutes to an hour and will not be able to enter. There is ample parking across the road as well. I received the Yakiniku A set for lunch. All the meats were sweet and delicious. drink It comes with 4 kinds of soup yakiniku and will fill you up for 2200 yen. I also tried the lunch and B set, but I personally found the A set to be more satisfying and recommend it. The atmosphere is relaxing in the private rooms, making it the most recommended yakiniku restaurant in the area.

  • タナオカ



    I was surprised at how delicious the meat was! The room is also a private horigotatsu. It was great to enjoy a leisurely lunch. Apart from the lunch menu Nakaochi ribs (for two) added I recommend you to make a reservation.

  • 香都羅



    This is my favorite store and I've been going there since it first opened. There was a tatami room and a table seat, and I was waiting in line, so I said I could go either way, and I was able to get in without waiting too long. Even though I was craving meat, when it was brought to me, the white rice was delicious. I usually eat brown rice, but I love the rice here and snack on it. I appreciate that you can choose large, medium or small depending on how hungry you are that day. Of course, the most popular lunch set is the Purukogi set meal, where the rice is seasoned well, the meat from the butcher is perfect, and the vegetables are crunchy and satisfying. In this day and age, prices are gradually increasing, which may seem like a big deal, but it's still delicious, so there's always a line during lunch time. You should think about whether to go early when the restaurant opens or to postpone lunch until later. Personally, I don't need drinks, so it would be helpful if you could keep the price of the set meals down and pay for drinks after the meal separately. The parking lot has increased from the beginning, and you can call us to let us know the waiting time, which is convenient.

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