Boo en Akita




🕗 horarios

Biwanuma-198-6 Shimoshinjōnakano, Akita, 010-0146, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 18-873-2957
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 39.8077627, Longitude: 140.056104

comentarios 5

  • 坂田今一



    Seafood curry, topping hamburger 1,000 yen + 300 yen It's full of volume, tastes great, and leaves you feeling satisfied! Seafood...headed shrimp, scallops, and small abalone. The flavor melts into the curry, making it feel like you're eating seafood curry. The scallops are cooked well and are delicious! The shrimp are deveined. Toppings...In addition to hamburgers, croquettes and sausages were served! Both go perfectly with curry! The service is slow, and since it's an older restaurant, you might be spoiled for choice, but the taste, volume, and cost performance are perfect!

  • Save Money

    Save Money


    The cost performance is the best! ! ! Kanashi Agricultural High School is nearby, and it seems to be a frequent spot for students, especially the baseball team, and serves cheap and hearty curry! Inside the store, there is also an autograph by Teruyoshi Yoshida... The wife who inherited from her husband is struggling, but the amount is really large! The photo shows a large serving of cutlet curry, but it almost spills out of the plate lol. It must have cost 800 yen! The croquette on top is probably a service lol However, since it comes with croquettes every time, maybe croquette curry is the norm... Not sure... Anyway, whenever I go there, my mom always serves me and I can't stop talking to her, and I feel soothed by her ✨️ Please come hungry! !

  • 正


    I received a large serving of katsu curry that was twice as spicy, but I also received one and a half croquettes and warm udon noodles. The curry had a home-style taste, but the quantity was huge.

  • Takahiro



    When I went to Akita at the recommendation of someone at work, I decided to try it out. I had a normal size, but I saw someone eating a large size next door and I was surprised at the amount. Moreover, when I was there, udon was also served. In the story, the croquettes seem to come as a service for some reason. Egg curry-650 yen

  • Kevin Sarmiento

    Kevin Sarmiento


    Delicious curry with very very reasonable prices. The portions are gigantic. The staff were very kind when I went and they offered complimentary drinks to everyone at that time. They even went out of their way to make sure I had enough curry to go with my rice and offered free add-ons. Would go again and I highly recommend it. Walkable from the nearest station.

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