Bloom en Shimonoseki




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1-chōme-6-11 Ichinomiyahonmachi, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 751-0808, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 50-5462-1695
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.0030932, Longitude: 130.9508956

comentarios 5

  • シャキシャキレタス



    I had a pasta lunch. The main dish of mentaiko cream pasta was rich and delicious ✨ The salad and soup were also very delicious.

  • 山本哲治



    Lunch with the kids at a local cafe. It looks like it's a girls' night out, so I guess it's hard for old men to get in. We're really having a girls' night out!! ︎!! ︎ For children, omelet rice lunch [omelet rice with fried shrimp and drink included] ¥1,650 (tax included) I have a pasta lunch [daily pasta, bread, salad, soup, and drink included] ¥1,650 (tax included) Omelet rice is full of vegetables and is healthy. The fried shrimp is huge. I was very happy with the omelet rice with plenty of sauce. The pasta arrived piping hot and steaming. Perfectly boiled al dente! The beef cheek pasta has a hint of garlic and is very delicious for adults⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ At my child's request, I made Taiwanese shaved ice, it's fluffy and perfect for this time of year 👍👍👍 The store has a long and wide space at the back, and it has a nice atmosphere♪ There is also a wide variety of sweets on the menu, which is why it is popular among girls. Thank you for the meal.

  • 田村朋子(tomo)



    This time I visited you during snack time. Choose caramel French toast and strawberry latte Café latte with a mild sweetness The plate of French toast was smaller than I expected, but the presentation was cute and ◎. The lunch plate looked delicious, so I'll try it for lunch next time (•ᵕᴗᵕ•)⁾⁾Peko The atmosphere of the restaurant was not a relaxing one, but rather a bit noisy, probably because the customer base was young. Recommended for casual use.

  • Nabeo Nabe

    Nabeo Nabe


    I wanted to eat cheese fondue, so I searched and ended up here. The course is about 2000 yen per person and comes with salad, soup, cheese fondue, pasta or pizza, dessert, and drink, so I was satisfied. The taste was not bad, and there were no problems with the customer service. I thought I'd try it for lunch next time. It is recommended.

  • 白青



    Visited at night. Set menu (1,600 yen with appetizer, main, drink) + dessert (400 yen) Order. For the main course, I chose the loco moco bowl. It had a lot of vegetables and looked beautiful and delicious♪ For dessert, I had the matcha French toast! It was so delicious that I want to eat it again ☆ I forgot to take a photo, but for the drink I chose black vinegar grape & berry mixed soda. It had berries in it, it was refreshing and easy to drink, and it was delicious♪

Cafetería más cercano

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