Bistro La Repos en Kumamoto

JapónBistro La Repos



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-7-32 Shimotōri, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0807, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-326-2622
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7976894, Longitude: 130.7073976

comentarios 5

  • 妃月慎涙斗



    The rice was delicious! Ahijo! However, the toilet was in a different place and was Japanese style.

  • ゆーかカノン



    The staff at the store were very nice and answered all my questions clearly, and I felt that they were very knowledgeable. 😊 Another staff member also behaved well and I felt that she was well-educated overall. The food was delicious, but the raw ham was roast ham. I couldn't help but feel that way, but the freshly baked grissini was extremely delicious and went very well with the recommended wine❣️The other dishes were all delicious and I would definitely go again! !

  • ZH Ngan

    ZH Ngan


    Delicious beef! Nicely cooked medium beef

  • Fajar Purnama

    Fajar Purnama


    Interesting foods.

  • Heihachiro Kawabe

    Heihachiro Kawabe


    Unfortunately, the food didn't reflect the amount of money that I paid. It was hot in the restaurant and 30 minutes before the party was over, I couldn't get any drink. Disappointing!

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