Bikkuri Donkey w Kobe

JaponiaBikkuri Donkey



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒650-0044 Hyogo, Kobe, Chuo Ward, Higashikawasakichō, 1-chōme−6−1 神戸ハーバーランドumie モザイク 2F
kontakt telefon: +81 78-366-6808
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6793858, Longitude: 135.1849943

komentarze 5

  • 狐鸣



    It's a great inexpensive place to get an ocean view while not breaking the bank. Did not expect awesome Hamburgs for this price. The coffees and parfaits were also on point. Service is quite lacking. Waited for some time at the cashier before someone was willing to take our money.

  • Priyank Deshpande

    Priyank Deshpande


    Beautiful space overlooking the Kobe waterfront. Ordered the egg curry burger beef dish, which was excellent. However, the broccoli we ordered was literally dripping in oil and over-fried to the point where it was burnt and inedible. Service was also quite slow. Would recommend sticking to one of the burger dish items on the menu as those seem to be the reliable ones and get served relatively faster.

  • Ruel Del Valle

    Ruel Del Valle


    Good place for the family. It is located along the board walk of Mosaic - which is one of Kobe's must go places. We ordered some griled beef steak cuts & hamburger steaks which were served with generous serving of side dishes (including a bowl of soup and a vegetable salad). Good ambience. It kinds of give you a bit of that Western BBQ restaurant feel - with a Japanese twist. The servings are somewhat big - so it's OK to share it with someone, especially if you are trying to watch your figure. There is a queue so it's better that you arrive before 11AM or before 5PM. I read before that its part of a national restaurant chain. And true indeed, we found another branch near our hotel when went back to Dotonburi. Service was faster than what we expected. Pro Tip: Please get a seat beside the window so that you and your companions can get a good view of the Kobe Bay (including Kobe Tower) area while enjoying your good food.

  • Ricky Sayas

    Ricky Sayas


    We were fortunate enough to be seated at a window seat with a nice view of the Oriental Hotel. We ordered the kokoro burger steak and the egg burger steak. Kokoro was chewy, and the burgers were heavy on the extenders; can’t taste the beef anymore

  • Paul T

    Paul T


    Never had a bad meal here. Part of a national chain, good food at a reasonable price. This restaurant’s decor is pretty cool too. Staff are helpful and a great view over to Meriken park as you eat. Thoroughly recommended!

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