Café Mamounia w Kobe

JaponiaCafé Mamounia



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒650-0012 Hyogo, Kobe, Chuo Ward, Kitanagasadōri, 3-chōme−2−16 ハット・トリックビル 2F
kontakt telefon: +81 78-332-2837
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6915823, Longitude: 135.1890328

komentarze 5

  • 有馬一樹



    A very popular cafe in Motomachi, Kobe that looks 1000% great☕️ I wanted to try this Napoleon pie so I came here in the afternoon ❤️ .. I heard that there are often lines, but on this day I was lucky enough to get in easily. .. The concept behind the store is ``A relaxing cafe born from the encounter of Europe and the Middle East.'' .. The space, which was inspired by the name of Morocco's prestigious hotel Mamounia, is stylish and extremely comfortable. .. What I ordered🍽️ .. ■Napoleon pie (strawberry) ■Napoleon Pie (Shine Muscat) .. Muscat got the miraculous last 1🤩 .. A few minutes of waiting...Kimashita!! ️ The arrangement is so beautiful that it's a work of art 😍 .. It would be a shame to break it up, but I'm going to put a knife in it. “!?” The first thing that surprised me was the deliciously crispy texture of the pie🥰 The rich and rich custard cream is the best match💕 .. As for the fruits, the strawberries are sweet and sour and fresh, and the Shine Muscat has a bursting texture😋 .. It's voluminous and satisfying to eat💯 .. Ah 🤤 Too delicious 😋 I left the store with a full stomach and satisfied ❤️ .. It was the last one at around 3pm, so I recommend going early if you go ☝️ .. .. Thank you for the meal😋

  • Bahar h

    Bahar h


    A very nice cozy cafe and bar. Love the cakes.

  • Kamini Kaushik

    Kamini Kaushik


    Slow service

  • Rehan Khan Afridi

    Rehan Khan Afridi


    Delicious food

  • Maria DelGrande

    Maria DelGrande


    I got the daily special carbonara pasta! It was delicious. The restaurant's atmosphere is a mix of cool, classy, and relaxing, with nice jazz music. This whole area is full of cute shops and restaurants!

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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