Bell Steak Esojima Hondori Story i Utsunomiya

JapanBell Steak Esojima Hondori Story



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4-chōme-125-4 Esojima, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0107, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 28-659-4129
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.5223955, Longitude: 139.8685061

kommentar 5

  • Hiroyuki F

    Hiroyuki F


    I think you'll be satisfied with it for lunch, it's delicious. Menu format has changed

  • 宮下英明



    Visited with my older child. The steak is ok, but the hamburger is a bit pricey...💦 The food is served quickly and the staff is very responsive, which is great.

  • kazyou s

    kazyou s


    First visit since quitting smoking. You can enjoy your steak with peace of mind. Ordered tonteki lunch 300g and garlic rice. Delicious🎵 It's not too soft and the fat is delicious. The salad was delicious, especially the cherry tomatoes.

  • びっぐぱりももじろう



    I visited for lunch. I ordered the bell steak and chose the original sauce, but for some reason, perhaps because I have no sense of taste, the taste lacked punch and was lacking in something, and I could barely taste the flavor. . Is the meat lean American? So it's hard, but it's okay. The rice was too soft for my taste. (I think a firmer one would go well with steak.) There were two types of soup: wakame soup and egg soup. The salad bar was tiny. Unfortunately, there were no cucumbers. I guess the price alone can't be helped. Next time I would like to try the highly rated pork steak.

  • MERO 【F】

    MERO 【F】


    I used it for lunch. The fins are just delicious! However, the tonteki was really delicious! It's fatty and not dry at all. I wanted a paper apron because my oil would bounce around a lot when the food was brought to me! Was it there? Many people ordered hamburgers! I want to eat a hamburger steak next time!! ️ The fried egg topping was good!

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