ć°ć‚‹ć‚€é£Ÿå ‚ w Niigata

Japoniać°ć‚‹ć‚€é£Ÿå ‚



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 怒950-0843 Niigata, Higashi Ward, Awayama, 1-chōmeāˆ’22āˆ’ļ¼‘ ć‚·ćƒ§ćƒƒćƒ‘ćƒ¼ć‚ŗć‚Øćƒ³ćƒ‰
kontakt telefon: +81 25-277-1075
strona internetowej: warm-sp.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 37.8997786, Longitude: 139.1026238

komentarze 5

  • ęœˆčŠ±



    It was really delicious. The hamburger steak, garnished vegetables, and rice are deliciousšŸ‘€!! ļøYou can choose from three types of curry ramen: normal, spicy, and extra spicy. Mine was normal but spicy.

  • ominouru



    Crispy noodles.For some reason, the noodles are saltyšŸ˜Ÿ The curry soup is very delicious, but at the end the saltiness from the noodles makes the curry soup saltyšŸ‘… Are the noodles boiled in salt like pasta to bring out the spicy flavor? I don't know. Or maybe it's just a failure, I don't know. It was a ramen that I thought was a waste. I think the ramen will be delicious as long as you adjust the saltiness. A: The soup for lunch was also salty šŸ˜… Hamburger and rice are the best~šŸ˜‹ If you pour sauce on the hot plate and heating pellets, your clothes will be covered in oil, so be careful ā—ļø Her clothes will get dirty šŸ˜† Also, when I leave the store, my clothes smell delicious šŸ¤­

  • åŒ—ę¾¤ē¾©č”›



    I received curry ramen for 950 yen. You can choose the spiciness of the soup from three levels: normal, spicy, and extra spicy. At lunch time, if you request, you will receive free rice. The soup is an authentic soup curry, and although the spiciness is average, it has a strong spiciness. Still, it was delicious, and I was deeply impressed by the taste of true spicy and delicious food. When I looked around, I saw people eating hamburger steaks for lunch. According to the menu, it was lunch A or B. There is a cylindrical hot stone in one corner of the iron plate, which allows you to cut a medium-rare hamburger steak and heat it until the inside is well-done. I think I'll try this next.

  • m K (mahx)

    m K (mahx)


    [Just a meaty hamburger] [Best cost performance] It's located in a tenement building, right across from Drug Tops. The parking lot is also shared by Drag Tops. I arrived after 1pm on Sunday and was the 4th group waiting, and was let through in about 15 minutes. Only one group can wait inside the store, and the rest will have to wait in front of the store. For lunch, a 150g hamburger starts from 1,097 yen. You can add salad and drink for an additional 180 yen. In addition to the meat menu, such as steak and beef cutlet teppanyaki, there is also Cali Ramen for 950 yen. On this day, I ordered a D lunch for 1,356 yen, which included a 180g hamburger, salad, and coffee. Waited 20 minutes while having salad and soup first. This is the main appearance. It took a long time because it was a busy time, but when it's smooth, it takes less than 10 minutes. The hamburgers at this restaurant are really meaty. That's all. I eat it with chopsticks, but the meat is so dense that you can feel it running through your chopsticks. The food is served rare, cut into bite-sized pieces, grilled with pellets on a griddle and then dipped in sauce. The taste of the meat itself is very delicious. The rice is delicious and you can keep eating it. By the way, rice and soup can be refilled. The only thing that comes with it is the corn, which is difficult to eat with chopsticks. . I was able to enjoy a very delicious hamburger steak at a reasonable price. Thank you for the meal Payment: cash, PayPay (Visited in March 2024)

  • 川ē€¬ę˜Œęع



    The hamburger steak is based on 150 grams, and the volume can be adjusted by increasing the number of pieces. If possible, wouldn't it be better to increase the volume by increasing the size to lock in the meat juices? The curry ramen was spicy and the sauce on the fried chicken was delicious.

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