八幡屋 中華そば en Yamagata

Japón八幡屋 中華そば



🕗 horarios

64-6 Hirashimizu, Yamagata, 990-2401, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 23-623-8363
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2296364, Longitude: 140.3509388

comentarios 5

  • Ito Sora

    Ito Sora


    I came to the store with my girlfriend around 1pm. I was hungry, so I ordered a large bowl of Chinese noodles. It was a light beef bone ramen, and I finished it easily. I don't think you need to worry about it if you're a quick eater, but I think it would be better balanced if the noodles were firmer than normal.

  • しゅうしゅう



    I received a large bowl of Chinese soba 👍 Although it looks like traditional Chinese noodles, the soup made from beef bones has a sweet taste and is light and delicious⤴️ It is not greasy and can be eaten smoothly. Char siu and beef are rare. Before you know it, it's so delicious that you'll end up drinking the entire soup.

  • Tea Jasmine

    Tea Jasmine


    A light type of beef bone soup. Although it looks simple, the soup is very flavorful and there's a huge difference! I was very satisfied ✨ The small, retro Showa era interior is also nice. I'm definitely a repeat customer!!

  • M “ゴロニャン” 相澤

    M “ゴロニャン” 相澤


    Visited Noodles for the first time in a year. Thank you for being delicious as always. Yahata-ya has been working hard to offer Chinese regular platter for just 500 yen, but due to the recent rise in material costs, the price has increased by 150 yen from this month to 650 yen, but they are still working hard to keep the price reasonable.

  • Vilma Takahashi

    Vilma Takahashi


    I love Ramen Restaurant ! The base point is soup. That give strengthen to charge our power.

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