APA Hotel Sapporo Susukino Ekimae en Sapporo

JapónAPA Hotel Sapporo Susukino Ekimae


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2-chōme-2-5 Minami 4 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0804, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-511-4111
sitio web: www.apahotel.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0556724, Longitude: 141.3562877

comentarios 5

  • claus elsborg

    claus elsborg


    The room was good but the smell of e-cigarettes from other rooms was terrible. I chose a non-smoking room and floor. Even in Japan people don't respect the rules anymore. The staff was excellent. Excellent location, subway entrance 10 meters away.

  • zuk z2

    zuk z2


    APA is the best budget hotel in Japan, distant to public transport is very close, service? Decent one

  • Roger G (Ranger64d)

    Roger G (Ranger64d)


    Dirty rooms. Dust everywhere in the room, hair in the bathtub, women's hair all over my bedding even after "clean" linen was put on bed. It took nearly 25 minutes to check out when I asked for an itemized receipt. I would not recommend to anyone.

  • Eric Chin

    Eric Chin


    Room and bathroom are small, very difficult for big body people, front desk less greeting and smile. This hotel good on location only. I drying my clothes and just few minutes late to collect. They just put my clothes other place that cause me 15min to find it.

  • Solo Traveler

    Solo Traveler


    always stay at APA hotels whenever im in Japan, very standard service and never disappoints. got their membership card so i can have late checkout. this location is absolutely amazing, subway entrance right outside, and within walking distance to pretty much everywhere. got an upgrade to a twin room, much bigger room, very comfortable. had a super late checkin due to my flight delay, but the front dest staff was super welcoming and helpful. limited English but good enough for the process. great value for your hard earning dollars, ill stay here for my future visits to Sapporo.

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