APA Hotel Sapporo Hosui Susukino Ekimae i Sapporo

JapanAPA Hotel Sapporo Hosui Susukino Ekimae



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1-chōme-11-2 Minami 6 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0806, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-551-0811
internet side: www.apahotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.0534238, Longitude: 141.3579237

kommentar 5

  • Denis Hofmann

    Denis Hofmann


    Rather large rooms for an APA Hotel, interior is nicely renovated and cozy. BUT the room has no AC except for an old and noisy house-AC (minus 1 star). The window is sealed and cannot be opened for a breath of fresh air (minus 1 star).

  • Zachary Yang

    Zachary Yang


    I mada a mistake to book a smoking room. The staff is helpful. He helped me to change to a non-smoking room. Thank you very much. And the the sashimi of the hotel breakfast is also amazing. For anyone who is considering APA Hotel Sapporo Susukino, trust me, the hotel won't let you down.

  • Ivan Tongue

    Ivan Tongue


    Nice cheap hotel which is next to the station and a short walk to susukino. The shower is a little faulty, goes hot and cold at times. But the room size is good, for two people. I received a gift when I checked in so that was nice. I'd definitely come back here again

  • Sasha Spenny

    Sasha Spenny


    There are nicer Apa hotels in sapporo, but this one is not bad. The carpet needs to be replaced and almost everything on the tv costs 1000 yen. Teapot is a nice touch and the bathroom is very nice. They wouldn't let me check in a half hour early, but they did hold my luggage for me so I could come back later.

  • James Goodman

    James Goodman


    Nice for the price. Comfortable bed and lots of amenities. The shower room is especially nice and has a big jacuzzi tub. The area is good for tourists, only a 10 minute walk to downtown and the fish market, and the subway station is just around the corner. The wifi didn't always work well.

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