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🕗 horarios

4-chōme-10-15 Hakata Ekimae, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0011, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-414-2800
sitio web: www.apahotel.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5863759, Longitude: 130.4180318

comentarios 5

  • erlinda ang

    erlinda ang


    Always nice and good. Smal room but nice.

  • Chee Wee

    Chee Wee


    Great location. Hotel is quite close to the Hakata train station. About 10 mins walk. Rooms are not big typical of Japanese hotels. Check in and out process is super fast. WiFi in room is fine in terms of speed but cuts out occasionally.

  • Blair Yu

    Blair Yu


    Room is clean and good service, but room is pretty small. However small room size is quite typical in Japan.

  • Mathieu Delamarche

    Mathieu Delamarche


    The worst experience i had until today, durty, Really bad service! will never stay in a Apa hotel anymore. They keep asking for an ID even if you are living in Japan which acording to the law only people wihout an address in Japan are requested to show an ID, basically they don't bealive foreigner customer who have been live in Japan, even if you show then direct page where it say that only people wihout a Japanese address are requested to show an ID they still want you to show it, I have been living In Japan for 15years, I have a good japanese (readin and writing) it's really frustatin that in 2017 there is still that kind of peoples. The only message I have for Apa hotel group is to follow the law and don't make your own rules!

  • Andres Perez

    Andres Perez


    Close to Hakata-eki. Staff is friendly and helpful; but the rooms need some TLC, especially the carpeting.

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