ANA Crowne Plaza Niigata, an IHG Hotel w Niigata

JaponiaANA Crowne Plaza Niigata, an IHG Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-11-20 Bandai, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-8531, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-245-3333
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.918693, Longitude: 139.0591399

komentarze 5

  • Ramon Wildfeuer

    Ramon Wildfeuer


    Rooms were clean and spacious, the windows were very nice, as they had shouji doors for them. This gave the room a little bit of traditional flair. Breakfast selection was huge and tasty.

  • Ariel McMillan

    Ariel McMillan


    I was delighted to spend my stay here for a short birthday trip. I think the first thing that stood out to me was the superb customer service. I am still learning Japanese, so I was grateful for staff being patient with me. I also enjoyed the room service experience as well, as the presentation was very nice. The room itself is standard, but I was appreciative of the apps on the television and the water pressure was fantastic. Will stay again.

  • Heidi Parkes

    Heidi Parkes


    Leading a retreat with 16 students & staying here for two nights. The rooms are lovely, providing a toothbrush & other amenities. They have a chic bar on the top floor with contemporary cocktails.

  • Rina Rina

    Rina Rina


    Rooms are nice, love the walls, bathroom and the windows. It have a nice Japanese element to it. The reception staff all lovely. However, breakfast was very very disappointing. Everything was just lukewarm and I felt very very nauseous for a few hours after the meal. I am not the type to complain but I paid extra for the breakfast, and this ruined my whole day really as I felt unwell all the way into the night. Restaurant staff very courteous and kind. I think just better food safety need to be met, e.g., foods in hot holding need to be at least 70 degrees celsius for it to be safe for consumption.

  • Andrew Goh

    Andrew Goh


    Overall a very comfortable business hotel. Came here first time to visit Niigata and found this close to train station with short 10 mins walk. Many eatery place nearby and Henry convenient. Room i well kept condition and clean. Comfortable room size in term of Japan standard. Water pressure works perfect in my room at level 10. Breakfast spread was good and love the Japanese section that served lots of Japanese local fares. Good facing and only downside is no bedside table for you to place water or charging food. Rather old property but still well maintained.

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