Bandai Silver Hotel w Niigata

JaponiaBandai Silver Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-3-30 Bandai, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0088, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-243-3711
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.916062, Longitude: 139.056206

komentarze 5

  • Lilian Hsu

    Lilian Hsu


    Great location

  • Danish A. Shimajiri

    Danish A. Shimajiri


    For its age decent hotel although the room interior is old and feels/looks like my great grandmothers room. Even the air conditioner thermostat is something that you only see in museums. Room is cramped, small and there is constant humming from the AC which is irritating. Having said that the hotel is clean, staff are polite, breakfast buffet is good and best of all it’s located in the area full of stores and restaurants. I can easily recommend this hotel to anyone who doesn’t mind the retro/vintage look and feel, slow Wi-Fi and lack of amenities because of its cleanliness, upkeep and location. Would have given a higher rating if the mattress was comfortable. Overall thank you for a decent stay.

  • Cecil Lloyd Brown

    Cecil Lloyd Brown


    I read that the facility was "retro" when searching for a hotel to stay at before going to Niigata Airport. The hotel is an amazing time capsule and extremely well cared for. The staff's correspondence is careful and kind. The facilities are just so 80's!! But in a really cool, well-cared for way. It is a luxurious hotel constructed in a different time. The lobby and fixtures are gorgeous. The breakfast service starts from 7am and includes super delicious and luxurious pillowy french toast, salad, coffee, bacon~ and the dining room is situated around large windows where you can watch the snow fall over the city. For travel to the airport, the Bandai Bus terminal is situated directly across the street in an indoor bus circle. I LOVE THIS HOTEL! And would go out of my way to stay here again next time I am in Niigata City.

  • Autumn



    Good place to stay, the staff were nice but there was hair in the tub when I checked in.

  • James Cairnduff

    James Cairnduff


    Staff excelled and were excellent. Especially the waiting staff and barman at night.

najbliższy Kwatera

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