Al Plaza Yasu i Yasu

JapanAl Plaza Yasu



🕗 åbningstider

1000 Koshinohara, Yasu, Shiga 520-2331, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 77-588-5500
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.064745, Longitude: 136.0264723

kommentar 5

  • 怒熊猫



    Heiwado is the number one local supermarket in Shiga Prefecture. This will be the Yasu store in Al Plaza, which is a large store. Even though it is a large store, Al Plaza Yasu is one of the smaller stores. (ΦωΦ) There are parking lots in front of the store, across the street from the store, and at the top of the building, so I don't think you will have any problems. The store is made up of a food street and a specialty store street, and the food court also has shops like ``Mos Burger'' and ``Indian curry specialty store.'' It's one of the largest shopping centers in Yasu City, so the number of customers is quite good. ( ・ิω・ิ)

  • coral ocean

    coral ocean


    2023.3.30 It’s nice to have ingredients from Shiga prefecture 😌✨ Washed carp and carp sushi were normally available at stores. Tonkatsuya, Mos Burger, DAISO, Sundrug, etc.

  • Prisnanda Maulida

    Prisnanda Maulida


    Cozy and very nice place

  • Sandeep Pandey

    Sandeep Pandey



  • Sunita sharma

    Sunita sharma


    Very convenient

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