AL PLAZA Takatsuki i Takatsuki

JapanAL PLAZA Takatsuki



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202 1-chōme-2-c Akutagawachō, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-1123, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-684-9100
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.8518559, Longitude: 135.6166178

kommentar 5

  • 濱口薫



    For parking, we use the Takatsuki City North Parking Lot (I think?), but it's a bit difficult to find! The guidance was unhelpful. There aren't that many discounts on parking. I think the movie was only free for about 2 hours. I went to the women's clothing section on the way home from the movie, but the products were hard to see and didn't seem to have a huge selection. Some are reasonably priced though.

  • 中島工業



    A shopping mall located at the north exit of JR Takatsuki Station, the headquarters of rural Takatsuki. The building is the same as Act Amore, but I honestly don't know where they are separated. This ambiguity, or rather vagueness, is a characteristic of the rural Takatsuki region. There is a supermarket on the basement floor and a movie theater on the top floor. The floors along the way had a men's clothing department, a women's clothing department, a shoe store, a drugstore, and so on. For that reason, there aren't many bicycle parking spaces, and even if you access it from the train, you'll get wet in the rain, so it's not very convenient. Each store is half-hearted in that you can use Heiwado's [HOP CARD] inside the building, but you cannot use it outside the store. As expected from Takatsuki in the countryside. There are high-rise apartments above it.

  • Genki Morizono

    Genki Morizono


    This is a great place! You can buy a lot of stuff and there is many stores and restaurants in here!

  • 黒坊主II世




  • Nathan Campbell

    Nathan Campbell


    Nice amount of shops here just on the north side of JR. Book shop is probably the biggest in Takatsuki. 高槻市の一番大きい本屋と思います。

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