アル・プラザあまがさき i Amagasaki




🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-3-1 Shioe, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0976, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6470-3111
internet side: hatosen-amagasaki.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7335078, Longitude: 135.4300678

kommentar 5

  • TKCたかっしー



    At the side dish corner on the first floor, there was a person who kept asking me to come (in rapid succession). I felt a little uncomfortable listening to it. I understand when it comes to the market. Do I need to say welcome over and over again? Other people are greeting each other normally. I'm fine though. It sounds awkward

  • rie sato

    rie sato


    When I went to ask the store clerk about something, she seemed to have an unmotivated attitude, and she glared at me like I was a bitch, as if she had noticed something. That's impossible as a member of society. If you are feeling unwell, I recommend that you try to be calm and say something like, ``I don't understand, sorry.'' Are you just old enough to have no customer service skills?




    Yesterday, the first floor of Al Plaza was so crowded that it seemed strange, why? It's true that it was Sunday Eve...but thanks to that, the rest of the place was pretty empty. There may be customers coming down from the upper floors to the lower floors, but I don't think it was that crowded last year.Why only Alp? When I saw that checkout line, I couldn't help but gasp! Thanks to that, I couldn't buy anything (I didn't) and I was so tired that I left in a hurry. Even though I went out of my way under the cold sky! Most of the supermarkets I go to have good service, so it's not the only one, so I try to refrain from posting reviews, but I couldn't help but notice how strangely crowded it was! I heard later that it's because Kenta and Fujiya are 31 years old. So, Gatten!

  • まぐろは中トロ



    There is no disinfectant on the 2nd and 3rd floors. It would be nice if they could increase the selection of side dishes because they don't look the same. The fresh fish is not bad, but compared to Hanshin Department Store, which is located in the same facility, it falls short.

  • Mohammad Afzal

    Mohammad Afzal



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