TOHO Cinemas Namba i Osaka

JapanTOHO Cinemas Namba


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3-chōme-8-8-9 Namba, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0076, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 50-6868-5043
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6654408, Longitude: 135.5013812

kommentar 5

  • Roy Anggriawan

    Roy Anggriawan


    Watched the latest Conan movie at Toho Cinema Namba and had a fantastic experience! Comfortable seats, excellent sound quality, and a clean environment. The popcorn and chicken were great too. The staff is friendly and helpful. Highly recommend for a fun and relaxing time at the movies. ---

  • Francesco Granati

    Francesco Granati


    Being from Italy, this was my first Japanese cinema experience. All was impeccable and super clean! Great audio and video and comfy seats.

  • Daylen Byrd

    Daylen Byrd


    Comfy seats, good popcorn. The pizza things are not good. They give you a tray for the beverage and popcorn which is really nice. Saw the Era Tour in English.

  • Michael Tee

    Michael Tee


    As a tourist visiting Japan I wanted a quiet night in the middle of my trip. Seeing a movie here was perfect, I used a kiosk At the cinema to buy tickets to a film (in English with Japanese subtitles) and was easily able to order snacks from. Incredibly friendly staff and a really clean complex. Bonus points for the half and half popcorn.

  • Gen Ronquillo

    Gen Ronquillo


    The best place to watch movies with friends, family or even alone.. You can enjoy yourself, you can buy food & drinks while waitibg for your tome schedule to wstch or you can bring your popcorn & drinks inside cinema and the place is so spacious and clean and tne sound inside movie cinema is great😊❤️ Happy watching😍

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