Akiu Grand Hotel w Sendai

JaponiaAkiu Grand Hotel


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Biwahara-12-2 Akiumachi Yumoto, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0241, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 570-026-001
strona internetowej: www.akiugrand.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.2233246, Longitude: 140.7307164

komentarze 5

  • Peaches



    The staff were great. Very helpful and kind. There are some really nice services in the bath as well, like massage machines and free drinks. Amazing view!!! Rooms were a bit dirty and run down. The entire hotel is sorely in need of some renovation, with faded carpets, unused wings, etc. They lacked some basic amenities (qtips in rooms, etc) that I would expect to be provided at this price point. Room service is totally unavailable despite saying to the contrary on the website. The buffet is seriously not good. There is a lot of variety, and the foods served are "nice" but if you've been to a hotel buffet you know what to expect. The baths are lovely. There are two(three if you count the rotation) each of which have outdoor and indoor portions. However a small bath fee is charged on top of the room charge! The bus service is also poor. Not enough time slots are allowed and the slots fill up very quickly. Probably would not stay here again, but the stay was pleasant. There are just better options for the same price. With a few changes this could be a really nice hotel. You might also like this hotel if you have a family. The staff were very kind.

  • Ale Young Lee

    Ale Young Lee


    I was little skeptical as the accommodation fee was cheaper than most other onsen hotels around the region. However, with pleasant surprise my stay was much better than expected. Spacious and two different hot springs are available, new renovated bath located in main building and another little aged bath in the annex. Surrounding nature is superb with direct access to the gorge path, must visit!! Close from Sendai city. Only 30mins from city centre by car. Room was spacious as well. Our group was 6 ppl,(dad, brother, sister in law +kids and myself) but they had separate rooms so we could stay comfortably with little more privacy than everyone staying in the same big room. There aren't any convenience store within the walking distance so get everything you need before the arrival. They have store on the 1st floor and liquor store just outside serves as a local store but options are limited. Hit spring is Sodium/Calcium but as the original water temperature is over 80 degrees celcius they mix with normal water to cool it down. Also, you can sometimes smell strong chlroine scent, but this will be the case for most big onsens. Overall, highly recommend.

  • Davide Bitti

    Davide Bitti


    Nice hotel but the onsen are nothing special compared to the other they have in Akiu.

  • Justin Velgus

    Justin Velgus


    I did not stay overnight, but instead used the day time baths open until 3pm. The baths are amazing with hot, cold, inside, outside, and even a standing bath! Room for plenty. It is worth stepping inside the hotel for the amazing lobby interior. Staff in Japan are always polite and professional, but I found the staff here to be poilte also. Highly recommended.

  • Steve Hakk

    Steve Hakk


    2 families stayed in 2 rooms on December 23rd 2012. The baths were great and they swapped the men and women's rooms the next morning, so you could try at least 7 different pools combined. The hotel is huge and tastefully decorated. Downside is the buffet. Although the food is great, guests cannot experience the personal service in their private rooms at this hotel. That said, the cost per night is less than other Akiu hotels that serve dinner in the privacy of your own room.

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