アイル矯正歯科 en Okazaki




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒444-0044 Aichi, Okazaki, Kōseidōriminami, 2-chōme−30 東海保険・ガーデンビル2F
contactos teléfono: +81 564-24-4188
sitio web: il-ortho.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9564948, Longitude: 137.164244

comentarios 5

  • みみ



    The attitude of the receptionist and dental hygienist (assistant) was really bad. Especially how could the receptionist be so rude...? That was the level. The people I've met so far have been very kind and responsive, and I've been looking forward to going to the hospital once every three months. This time it was so bad that I was overcome with sadness and felt only anger at his refusal to acknowledge his mistakes and refuse to apologize. The teacher's technique may be amazing. However, I would like the staff to be properly trained. It was really bad, so I posted a review for the first time. (I am very grateful to the staff who have been in charge of me so far, so I have added some information.)

  • 部


    My son was examined. I was informed that there would be a discount if I decided to sign a contract within a week. I was told that there were only 1 million courses available, so I got a discount of 30,000 yen. I didn't sign the contract because I wanted to think carefully and make a decision that I was satisfied with rather than discounting the price.

  • dog raccoon

    dog raccoon


    Last year, I went to consult about my child's orthodontics. I knew that my child's teeth needed to be corrected even by an amateur, but when I went for a consultation, I felt that the explanation was too high-pressure, and when I explained the contract, I was told, ``I am a single person and my income has decreased due to the coronavirus.'' Even people who are older are doing what they do for their children.'' I was also asked about my parents' occupations and the industry they work in, which made me feel uncomfortable. I discussed it with my family, but decided that the doctor's approach did not suit our family, so I decided to ask another orthodontist. I am not sure about the technology as I did not sign a contract.

  • F



    Thank you for your help over the years, and it has ended today. The teachers and staff are kind, very kind, and polite, making you feel at ease. My teeth, which were once loose, have become clean and I can now smile with my teeth showing, and my friends and people I meet for the first time say that I have a beautiful smile. I'm glad I can now smile with confidence! 10 stars☆ I'm really thankful to you! !

  • まーれ



    First of all, the results are amazing. If you follow the instructions carefully, you will be able to get your ideal dentition. Also, the staff was very responsive and I never felt uncomfortable.

Dentista más cercano

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