8 hachi en Minato City

Japón8 hachi



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒106-0031 Tokyo, Minato City, Nishiazabu, 1-chōme−4−25 長寿庵 寿ビル 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3405-2915
sitio web: www.yakiniku-8hachi.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6614348, Longitude: 139.7238296

comentarios 5

  • Hillary Murphy

    Hillary Murphy


    Fantastic cozy spot for flavorful grilled meat and delicious fresh produce. The server made good recommendations based on my preference for no offal meat. We loved every bite and left extremely happy!

  • Chris Allen

    Chris Allen


    Went in by chance and really enjoyed it! Nice service and easy atmosphere. Nice quality meat.

  • Decky One

    Decky One


    The restaurant is located about 10mins away in a car from Omotesando station. The place looks like a hideout. We picked up a 5,000yen course menu which was quite satisfying. All meats were fresh and awesome. Among all, I really liked beef sirloin. Never ever tasted anything like the one I had in here. Dishes are very reasonable prices for the location. Amazingly all staffs were very friendly, giving us great hospitality. Very cozy restaurant. Highly recommended!!

  • 조현주



    I went without a reservation, but luckily there was a seat. The yakiniku restaurant is really delicious.

  • Rémi Martel

    Rémi Martel


    Great place. there is an English menu and the prices are good. With some help from Google translate we were able to communicate properly with our waiter.

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