Marunouchi Hotel i Chiyoda-ku

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Japan, 〒100-0005 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Marunouchi, 1 Chome−6−3
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-3217-1111
Latitude: 35.683357, Longitude: 139.766589
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Kommentar 5

  • Kihwa Kim

    Kihwa Kim


    Great location with direct connection to Tokyo station. The room is clean and perhaps the most quite hotel I stayed for 5 times visit to Japan. The staffs were very helpful and friendly. I strongly recommend this hotel.

  • Hui Chen

    Hui Chen


    The main draw of this hotel is its location at Tokyo's main station: you can get just about everywhere from here, sometimes without ever getting outside. Follow signs for Marunouchi North exit from inside the station. There are lots of places to eat, drink, and shop in and around the station. The hotel itself is nice, clean, and tastefully decorated. The room was very small. While body lotion was not among the amenities, a local smart phone was! The staff's English is not great. I tried both the Western and Japanese breakfast offerings, and the Western one was of much better value.

  • Keng Hian Lim

    Keng Hian Lim


    Great hotel near Tokyo Station. It is also connected at basement 1 via Oaru Building. It appears to have had some minor renovations, so it appears more impressive than before. The rooms are small but functional. Bathroom not too tiny. Well worth the money.

  • natalia kostrikova

    natalia kostrikova


    Beautiful hotel. Amazing views. Very nice personal. Recommended.

  • Attila Homoki

    Attila Homoki


    Great place to stay for business visits to Tokyo. Public transportation is not a problem as the hotel is right at the North entrance of Tokyo station. The hotel offers great French breakfast with a wide selection. There is a business center and a gym as well. The staff is super helpful.

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