足利銀行 真岡支店 en Moka

Japón足利銀行 真岡支店



🕗 horarios

2169 Aramachi, Moka, Tochigi 321-4305, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 285-82-2125
sitio web: www.ashikagabank.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.441824, Longitude: 140.011472

comentarios 5

  • クレイジー“パープルレイン”パープル



    ・Use an ATM. I have met some very polite people at the staff counter.

  • Uddin Ziya

    Uddin Ziya


    It’s worse

  • 。み



    The other day, I asked an elderly woman to exchange money, and she always seemed troublesome and spoke in a high-pressure manner.I was quite surprised, as I had an image of people in banking being polite and polite. The young woman who brought me the exchanged money afterwards had a soft and polite demeanor, so I felt that there were quite a few differences in the way she responded depending on the person working at the counter.

  • 前九年



    I went to transfer money to another bank. I got a numbered ticket and waited for about 50 minutes. I don't think it can be helped because it was crowded. When it was my turn to go to the counter and I wanted to transfer money, I was told, "You can do it at an ATM." When I said, ``I don't really understand how to operate it, please do it here,'' and he gave me a disgusted look. While filling out the transfer form, the receptionist (a woman in her 50s) kept tapping her index finger on the counter. I was in a bad mood, feeling like I needed to hurry up. It felt really bad and I wanted to warn them right then and there, but it would be a nuisance to other people, so I gave up. I use banks a lot because of my job, and in my personal opinion, the customer service at Aki Bank is not very good overall. In comparison, Tochigi Bank provides the best customer service no matter where you go. From now on, I will go to Tochigi Bank even if it is a little far away.

  • Garnet



    When I went to the counter to make a foreign currency time deposit, I told the counter staff, ``It will take some time, so I'll come back to pick it up at 5pm,'' but the counter staff immediately replied, ``It will be ready soon, so please wait.'' . After 30 minutes, the staff member said, ``It's going to take a while, so please come to the back door at 5pm to pick it up.'' Mr. Ashigin is bankrupting himself, not only in terms of management, but also in terms of trust.

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