Ashikaga Bank Ishibashi Branch en Shimotsuke

JapónAshikaga Bank Ishibashi Branch



🕗 horarios

833 Ishibashi, Shimotsuke, Tochigi 329-0511, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 285-53-1236
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.436778, Longitude: 139.858575

comentarios 5

  • 美貴子高島



    The service at the counter is very bad. She didn't smile at customers and was unpleasant. Ashikaga Bank's counter service is not the best.

  • ゆうまる



    The person at the counter was of no help. When I went to another branch, they were very helpful. It will no longer be used after that.

  • 横割フェルナンド



    I was so frustrated with the poor service that I decided to change banks. I went to the nearby Tochigi Bank.

  • N Kawa

    N Kawa


    Not only at this branch, the way they speak to customers is the worst. As others have said, the customer service at the counter is often frustrating. It's my job, so I want you to respond without any hassle.

  • maru



    There was something I didn't understand, so I called when the counter was open, but Mr. H, who answered the question, kept mumbling and smiling and kept saying, "You can do it at an ATM, but don't you understand?" . I don't think it's normal for people to be smiling because they're a counter, but I would like them to be a little more serious about their work.

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