足利銀行 楡木支店 en Kanuma

Japón足利銀行 楡木支店



🕗 horarios

514 Niregimachi, Kanuma, Tochigi 322-0526, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 289-75-3111
sitio web: www.ashikagabank.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.50482, Longitude: 139.751044

comentarios 4

  • 柏崎光男



  • 2050年の未来からやって来たタイムトラベラー



    My father is in a nursing home and I wanted to cancel the contract, so when I contacted him, he repeatedly told me that he would talk to his boss and get back to me. In the end, the contract cannot be canceled unless the customer visits the home, confirms the customer's intentions over the phone, or comes directly to the branch. I was also told that delegation was no good. I can't go out because of the coronavirus, and even though he has difficulty walking, I don't think they'll bring him in. You cannot cancel the contract until you actually pass away and reach the inheritance stage. They don't put themselves in the position of depositors and only think about their own convenience. Refuse to cancel.

  • 柏崎光男



  • 安納大輔



    Entrance/exit is narrow Please be careful on the sidewalk when leaving the house before returning home.

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