酔亭 in Yokohama




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Japan, 〒231-0849 Kanagawa, Yokohama, Naka Ward, Mugitachō, 4-chōme−99 落合ビル 1階
kontakte telefon: +81 45-624-3749
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.4321956, Longitude: 139.6498297

kommentare 5

  • TILT Microleaf

    TILT Microleaf


    Great place, one of the few ramen shops where I finish the broth.

  • Riki Shirayama

    Riki Shirayama


    Big portions and lots of veggie on the standard miso ramen. Hints back to the Sapporo miso ramen but with less fat. A little slow to serve as they make the ramen carefully and not the fastest turnaround, but the store it’s self is surprisingly spacious and doesn’t make you feel like you need to leave in a rush. Cash only.

  • Szabolcs Malomsoky

    Szabolcs Malomsoky


    Suigyoza is TOP! I did not like the chashu, it was not fully cooked.. Men tastes great!

  • Tae P.

    Tae P.


    Best Miso Ramen I had so far! Stir fried veggies are perfectly heat. Soup has a thick flavor of miso yet smooth. Will definitely go again.

  • A Staples

    A Staples


    If you like miso ramen, you will probably enjoy this restaurant. The portions are massive, and the taste was excellent. The noodles were the cooked to the correct softness, and the chasu was delicious. Service was prompt and courteous. It is obviously a favorite spot, as there was a constant stream of customers while we were there. Prices are reasonable, between 700-900円.

nächste Restaurant

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