(株)フレッシュセブン in Hiroshima




🕗 öffnungszeiten

5-chōme-18-12 Midorii, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0103, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-239-5775
webseite: www.fresta.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.4686369, Longitude: 132.4793171

kommentare 5

  • 金銅貴仁



    Nothing serious.

  • Rambler M

    Rambler M


    I received ``Hand-fried shrimp tempura soba with a special dashi'' that can be heated up in the microwave. There are days when you're tired of work and don't want to do anything. At times like these, I think it's important to cut corners a little, so I turn to bento boxes, side dishes, udon and soba noodles that are easy to grab and eat. I bought this product because I saw a sticker on the package of the product sold at Supermarket Fresta that said it was made with hand-fried shrimp tempura and luxurious 4 types of soup stock. I was surprised when I ate it and it was delicious. When I checked the manufacturer, it was Fresh Seven Co., Ltd. It was my first time hearing about this company, but I was satisfied with the gentle taste. It's low in fat compared to total calories, making it a product I'd like to keep coming back to. I forgot to take a picture of the whole thing, so just the stickers are for reference. If you see other products, I would like to try them out.

  • あーや



    I will go tomorrow

  • Takashi Fujii

    Takashi Fujii


  • Fujiko Akamatsu (味仙)

    Fujiko Akamatsu (味仙)


    Since it is a main factory, it does not seem to be sold to the general public.

nächste Supermarkt

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