中華そば 蔵 岡部宿店 en Fujieda

Japón中華そば 蔵 岡部宿店



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914-1 Okabechō Utsutani, Fujieda, Shizuoka 421-1131, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-667-3714
sitio web: kura-daiki.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9074238, Longitude: 138.2847378

comentarios 5

  • Makoto 's

    Makoto 's


    I had the Chinese soba noodles and the roasted chashu rice bowl.The bowls were bitter...The Chinese noodles were light. Even so, the price is high.

  • Yuhji Yagi

    Yuhji Yagi


    I went there for the first time in a while since I went before the coronavirus. The char siu noodles are now 1030 yen, the char siu itself has changed, and the soup and noodles have also undergone minor changes. However, the ramen that I thought was delicious was still the same. Personally, I liked the old chashu better.

  • あああ



    Salt back fat ramen I recommend spicy, but if you add spicy, you lose the original flavor of the soup, so I think the standard one is better.

  • tamanegi Okayu

    tamanegi Okayu


    It was delicious. Lightly salty. Next time I'd like to try something a little stronger.

  • xyzark nadaka

    xyzark nadaka


    The chashu noodles were delicious. If it's your first time, it might be better to choose something that doesn't have the word "Kura" on the menu. It is a cash only meal ticket system. First, choose the amount of noodles. I'll come back later.

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