中華料理 東天閣 i Akita

Japan中華料理 東天閣



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5-23 Kyokuhokusakaemachi, Akita, 010-0922, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 18-823-5806
internet side: ttt.akita1.net
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Latitude: 39.721347, Longitude: 140.110608

kommentar 5

  • 原哲



    The gyoza is chewy, juicy and delicious! The combination of beer and gyoza was the best. The store I wanted to go to wasn't open, so I wandered around, saw a red sign, and then saw a Super Dry sign.This is it! When I looked in, there were no customers and the owner, who appeared to be the owner, was watching TV. Are you okay for a moment? I thought so, but when I went inside, I was right. I ordered draft beer, and although the menu says it's only available in the summer, it was fine. The taste is normal, just cleaning...maybe the rotation is bad... I ordered mapo tofu, rice, and gyoza. Mapo tofu is not spicy and is average. Gyoza is delicious. It's chewy and has an exquisite texture that you can't eat at home. It also went great with draft beer. There is a counter inside the store, so it's easy for even one person to enter ◯ It looks like a bar counter, so that's a good thing. However, one thing that bothers me is the stickiness of the floor and table...that feeling that makes your nylon clothes stick to each other. The inside of the store itself was bright and bright, but I felt that it was not very comfortable.

  • saori chiba

    saori chiba


    The restaurant's highly recommended menu item is ``Shichin Tanmen.'' The store's website says, ``Unlike regular tanmen, it's a soy sauce-flavored ankake.'' I ordered it, but there was no bean paste on it at all, and it was soggy. disappointing. At noon, it started to get crowded and I was busy, so maybe I forgot to make the bean paste? impossible. The soup was full of umami such as cabbage, pork, carrots, mushrooms, and wood ear mushrooms, and although it tasted great, it was a total disappointment, so I deducted two stars. orz...

  • 秋田食べ日記



    [Akita City/Chinese restaurant Totenkaku] Fried rice 680 yen Gyoza 500 yen 2023.12.30 this night Osaka Osho's "Garlic Meat Meat Fried Rice" I was aiming for it, but the Don Quijote store was During the year-end and New Year holidays, we are operating at reduced hours. It wasn't open at night. Regret. But my mouth is already full of fried rice. I was able to eat fried rice because I was looking for it. Research places you haven't been yet, The place we arrived at was Totenkaku. Fried rice has chashu pork, green onions, and eggs. It was an orthodox type. It's perfectly done and you'd expect it to be a Chinese restaurant! The gyoza I ordered with it had chewy skin. It was also delicious with plenty of meat juice.

  • バックすてっぷ



    I love national chains and franchised restaurants, but I love and support local restaurants even more, whether they're open early or late, they have delicious flavors unique to that restaurant. During that time, I came across Totenkaku. When I jumped in at 8:55 pm when something was not working, they responded normally (thank you). Moreover, the katsudon and curry at Mammoth Chinese Restaurant is top-class delicious (even if it's not there!!) I ordered it because I couldn't go through it, and I came across it! Eat more~

  • TT Ramen

    TT Ramen


    I received some tanmen. It has a soy sauce-flavored sauce and is generally similar to Gomoku ramen. It wasn't the tanmen I had imagined, but the soup was rich and delicious. I think I'll try the Gomoku ramen next time lol.

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