秋田喰処 北洲 i Akita

Japan秋田喰処 北洲



🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-1-11 Ōmachi, Akita, 010-0921, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 18-863-1316
internet side: vivien111.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.7153668, Longitude: 140.1169096

kommentar 5

  • 福島浩晃



    A long-established Akita restaurant in Kawabata, where you can enjoy Akita specialties and local sake. The building is very quaint, and the inside of the restaurant gives you a sense of history, but the taste is solid and I highly recommend it. It was absolutely delicious.

  • 素茄子



    Wonderful kiritanpo hotpot. Not only the ingredients but also the soup is surprisingly delicious. Is this kiritanpo hot pot? It was my first time eating black grilled udon, but it was so delicious that I could feel the spring in my mouth. I'm glad I came to Akita.

  • ちほ



    In the area around Akita Station You can eat Kiritanpo Looking for a delicious restaurant I made a reservation here. I visited early, just after 5:30pm on a weekday. It was very empty. The person eating at the counter seat It was where I was paying the bill. In a reserved state. We were shown to a tatami room in the back! Of course I ordered ★Kiritanpo hot pot 2 servings 1700 yen x 2 We will serve you hot tea and appetizers. After waiting for about 25 minutes Kiritanpo hotpot has arrived. I had it once in Tokyo. It's my first time eating in the real place. Excited♪ chicken meat Kiritanpo green onion Burdock etc. are included. First of all, this Kiritanpo It really conveys the taste of rice. It's chewy like rice cake. Because it's satisfying to eat I got full in no time! Kiritanpo is delicious! ! And the soup stock is not too thick and is in a good condition. It tasted healthy and good for the body. Because the soup stock is delicious Drink it all the way to the end and eat it! Thank you for the meal! !

  • M W

    M W


    I read the reviews and made a reservation just in case. Since I was alone, I sat at the counter, but all the counters had plates for reserved seats. It was my first time having Kiritanpo hotpot, so I can't compare it to other restaurants, but the soup stock was really delicious, as the reviews said. I was disappointed that the miso tsukedanpo that was on the menu before seems to be no longer available.

  • Matt Mcc

    Matt Mcc


    Cozy izakaya serving great tasting food! Hot pot was fantastic!

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