中国料理 龍華 i Amagasaki

Japan中国料理 龍華



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2-chōme-173 Higashisonodachō, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0953, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6494-4744
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Latitude: 34.7577715, Longitude: 135.4513404

kommentar 5

  • Sato T

    Sato T


    A restaurant that serves as a model for local Chinese cuisine. Although it is an inconvenient location, there is a parking lot next to the store for 2 to 3 cars. Most of them are regulars, and there are a lot of customers coming in all the time, and although I visited during lunch time, I had to wait about 15 minutes. I was overwhelmed by the menu, but I went ahead and ordered fried rice and gyoza. Impeccable. The seasoning is gentle and you can eat as much as you want. An addictive taste that makes you want to eat it. If you're in the area, this is a Chinese restaurant you should definitely stop by. Mom and dad are always fighting, but it's adorable🤗

  • ryohei sun

    ryohei sun


    Even though I had looked at the photos before ordering, the quantity was larger than I expected. It's the best set meal when you're hungry. Unlimited refills of rice and soup! I ended up taking the fried chicken home because I couldn't finish it all. This is surprising!! ️ Fried chicken is so delicious even when it's cold ❗️ I will come back to eat again.

  • Pit -

    Pit -


    I heard that the "Wagamama-don (Large)" was a large portion, so I visited there. (Wagamama bowl = Chinese bowl + Tenshin rice) The menu recommended "sweet and sour meatballs" so I ordered that as well. I arrived just after 1pm on a Saturday, but it was full and there were two groups waiting. Wagamama-don is filled with plenty of Chinese bean paste, so you won't run out until the end. When I order Tenshinhan (large size) at places like Gyoza Osho, I am often dissatisfied with the amount of bean paste. That wasn't the case here, and I had enough to last until the end. The taste is a bit Chinese and strong, which is my personal preference. The sweet and sour meat dumplings were so big that I was surprised. lol Bamboo shoots are also included, which is also quite popular. However, the facilities inside the store (chairs, counter, etc.) are a bit old-fashioned, so some people may be hesitant to enter. I felt it was suitable for people who love large portions and groups/families to share it with. Even though it's not in a busy area, it's a popular local restaurant with a long line of people. It's in a good location when I go to Costco in Amagasaki, so I think I'll go there again. (2024.03.02) Second visit. Ordered mapo bowl, gyoza, and pork tempura. The gyoza was crispy and delicious. The pork tempura had a moist batter, and personally I wanted a crunchy texture. Mapo-don is not spicy at all, so tastes will vary. I personally prefer spicy food, so I probably won't have it a second time...the Wagamama bowl I had last time was better.

  • エスチャイ



    This restaurant has been around for 30 years, but I've never been there before, and I just recently ordered a set menu instead of a single item and was hooked. It's close to work, so it's always crowded on the way home, but if it's empty, I go there. Coco's handmade salt is very delicious. It's ok to just sprinkle it on rice. This is my personal opinion, but I think the mk set is better!

  • Imai Tsunashi

    Imai Tsunashi


    This is a Chinese restaurant that I have been going to for over 20 years. All menu items have a refreshing taste. It's delicious just the way I like it. There are many a la carte menus as well. I'm glad that the set is cheap and has a lot of volume. What's more, you can get refills of the white rice and soup. This time I ordered the usual A set. We have changed the large shrimp tempura to fried chicken. The soup changes daily, so you won't get tired of it even if you go every day. The store staff also responded quickly and cheerfully. This is a very comfortable Chinese restaurant. I can also deliver food. When the store is crowded In-store orders are given top priority. without picking up the ringing phone Please respond. Sometimes I just can't help but want this flavor.

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