Kurashiki Coffee i Toyonaka

JapanKurashiki Coffee



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2-chōme-12-1 Minamisakurazuka, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0882, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6858-6881
internet side: www.saint-marc-hd.com
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Latitude: 34.7751589, Longitude: 135.4719249

kommentar 5

  • まりちmarichi



    I came to the store in the morning, and it was quite crowded from the morning. Perhaps there weren't many staff members, but the seats were empty, but I got the impression that it took a long time to be served and the information wasn't cleared up yet. However, the menu was extensive and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

  • Sato T

    Sato T


    I used it for the first time. I may have expected too much, but isn't the gap between the menu and reality too big? Also, there are many places in the store, toilets, windows, etc. that I don't think are kept well-cleaned. Since it's a company that owns a bakery and restaurant, I would like them to work a little harder.

  • ポチ1号



    I read in the reviews that it took a long time to get the coffee, but I went there just for the siphon style coffee. I went there just after 11:00 after breakfast had finished, and the place was full so I wrote my name down and waited. I waited about 20 minutes to be seated and 30 minutes after ordering. The coffee was delicious, but it took too long. Although it has been pointed out in reviews for a long time, I feel that the operation has not been improved at all.

  • 淀川コネクトクラブ



    There is a parking lot and a bicycle parking lot. It is a format that goes up to the second floor, which is accessed by stairs. There is no elevator. Please be aware that there is a step up to the entrance. There are plenty of chairs for waiting during busy times. The inside of the store is large and there are plenty of table seats. There are also counter seats where you can study or work. There is calm background music playing and it feels cozy. There are two toilets, a multi-purpose toilet and a unisex toilet. There is also a smoking room next to the toilet. Kurashiki Blend is a method in which you pour it into your own cup. This is actually enough to make 2 cups. The handle is hot, so be careful. This coffee has a bitter taste, so you can enjoy authentic coffee. It's actually delicious, with a wonderful aroma and rich flavor. Its aroma and taste soothe your soul and make your time with friends and family more meaningful. We support cashless payments, so you can check out smoothly. I was left with a good impression of the store staff's customer service. They welcomed us cheerfully, listened to our orders carefully, and had excellent customer service until the end.

  • S. R.

    S. R.


    Coffee is good, they have many many types, but food is really basic, also they bring your coffee too much earlier than food (breakfast), so my wien coffee cream was totally melt before I had the opportunity to eat

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