占い喫茶朱雀 in Asahikawa




🕗 öffnungszeiten

10-chōme-1-11 Kawabatachō 6 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-0816, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 166-56-1629
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.7825246, Longitude: 142.3394965

kommentare 5

  • 原田貴史



  • 山本俊一



  • 優


    It had a fortune-telling atmosphere that made full use of statistics. There were a lot of questions in the conversation, and there were things that could apply to anyone. Palm reading seems to be outside of his field of expertise (why is it listed?)

  • 茂内達則



    I guess I got it lol Isn't it cheap like 3000 yen? lol It's not a fake I think you should really go 👍 Highly recommended!

  • A I

    A I


    I don't think it's a fake. When I told them my name, they told me stories about their ancestors and told me that they did this to protect my life. Did you actually do this to protect your mother? When I asked him, he laughed and asked, "Is that really possible?" Honestly, I would like my money back. Fake fortune teller. Is it fun to deceive people and get money from them? After that, I went to a fortune teller near Asahikawa Station, and the advice I received on life was really wonderful. Anyway, Suzaku is no good. Everyone please don't go.

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