harunire in Asahikawa




🕗 öffnungszeiten

8-chōme-39-16 7 Jōdōri, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-0037, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 80-8294-7670
webseite: m.facebook.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.7721013, Longitude: 142.3636911

kommentare 5

  • さとうつとむ



    Visited for lunch. The inside of the store is a bit old-fashioned, but it's a relaxing space. My companion changed daily, and I had an Asian-style meal. After-meal coffee is also reasonably priced and delicious. Recommended.

  • ぴんぐぐらむ



    I had rouleau rice style rice. It was easy to eat with just the right amount of spice. There was also something that looked like pumpkin and sweet potato potage on one plate. It was a bit of an elegant portion, but I was able to enjoy it slowly and relax.

  • 前田裕美



    I thought it was in an unexpected location, but there were so many nice shops around it that it felt like a hidden gem. The blue door is a landmark. The inside of the store is very stylish. When I went to the back room, I was surprised to see that my feet were made of glass. For the menu, I ordered rouleau rice and two types of curry on one plate. It was delicious. I was satisfied with the quantity. You can have coffee or tea with your meal for 150 yen. Harenire madam is wonderful.

  • おーたー



    I found a shop with a stylish atmosphere during my break from work, so I wandered around ☕️ I had some time, so I ordered a cake set instead of just coffee. Today's sweet was banana cake 😊 I was happy with the less sweet taste with my favorite cinnamon. I fell in love with it in an instant 🤤 The store also has a miscellaneous goods corner, giving it a very stylish atmosphere. It seems like there are a lot of regular customers, so I guess it's a place to relax 🤔 and I was really impressed lol. Since it had been a while since lunch time, I didn't order from the lunch menu, but I'm sure I'll be able to enjoy it when I visit. It was delicious. I will visit you again🏃‍♂️

  • Akane sora

    Akane sora


    It's a calm and relaxing cafe. Lunch was [minced meat gapao rice]. I ordered an iced coffee after. The gapao rice, made with ground meat instead of chicken, was very spicy and very delicious. The set included a leafy salad and onion soup. The iced coffee is dark and bitter and very delicious (o^∀^o) There was also a work exhibition corner inside the store, where cute works by dogs were on display and for sale. There were plenty of magazines, including gourmet and travel, so I thought it would be comfortable even for a single person. The menu also includes soup and bread sets and Japanese sweets, making it very appealing. However, there is no parking lot, so you will have to park nearby. Second coming I ate a homemade focaccia sandwich. Chicken ham, tomatoes and leafy vegetables. The soup is mushroom potage. Order iced coffee for 150 yen plus It's really comfortable (^∇^) revisit The rum chocolate cake was very delicious. I feel comfortable no matter when I go

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