長州屋 厚南店 en Ube

Japón長州屋 厚南店



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-2-27 Kuroishikita, Ube, Yamaguchi 759-0204, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 836-43-9901
sitio web: www.choshuya.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.9838536, Longitude: 131.2094897

comentarios 5

  • initial M

    initial M


    Advance meal ticket system. Miso ramen shop. Definitely spicy green onions. absolute. I also ordered half fried rice. Delicious. So delicious! Please also order fried rice with your ramen. Definitely ask. I won't let you regret it, so I'll cut my fingers off.

  • 山下友江



    After entering the store, your order and number will be issued at the same time as you purchase your meal ticket, so it's efficient and very easy to understand! You will be guided to your seat in numerical order. There aren't many places to wait inside the store, and when it's busy, there are people outside, so it's a little tricky when the weather is bad, but I think it's still worth the wait! Miso ramen is the signature menu, but the soup doesn't look like miso ramen, so even people who don't like miso can enjoy this! That's what I'm saying. it's recommended!

  • ROUTE54SIDEBASE takahiro

    ROUTE54SIDEBASE takahiro


    I went on a business trip. Speaking of Yamaguchi, I thought it was Choshu ramen (chicken soup), but I wonder if there are many miso ramen restaurants? I don't usually eat miso ramen though. It was super delicious!! ️ Fried rice too~👍️ Let's stop by again when we come to Yamaguchi ➰😁

  • やっこ



    This is a miso ramen restaurant. Purchase a meal ticket from the ticket vending machine and take your seat. It is rare for miso ramen to have a substitute egg. Extra balls can be ordered at your seat for 150 yen. There are seasonings on the table to adjust the spiciness, so you can make it as spicy as you like. It was very delicious.

  • gear web

    gear web


    The melty hormone lanun is delicious. Spicy miso lanun with plenty of fat and tender hormones and plenty of back fat is the best for fat people🤤🤤🤤 I recommend it! When I was buying a ticket at the ticket vending machine, a beautiful lady from the seat guidance staff said to me that the yam offal was delicious.After that, I bought a small meal and it would definitely go well with it.I also had rice with it. It was so cute (*^^*)😊😊😊(as an aside)

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